Hi, welcome to our online AGM Reports.
A point of clarity off the top. This is our 2024 Annual General Meeting but the reporting is largely for 2023.
Many of you who are familiar with web-pages will find it quite easy to navigate around the report, but here are some basic tips.
Below this section you can scroll down to find a number of different “galleries.” Each Pastor and Director has their own gallery and each gallery will have at least one blog in it. You can either select a particular report by clicking on the main header (e.g., “PASTOR WADE”) or by selecting one of the blogs (e.g., “YOUTH WORSHIP”).
When you are done exploring a report, return to the main page by clicking at the bottom of one of the blogs or by using your browser’s return to previous page bar. If you get stuck you can always enter the URL start again. You may want to note that some place else so you can easily copy and paste if you get lost.